Saliva plays an important role in
your overall oral health
Saliva is produced from 6 salivary glands that are located all around your mouth. Combined, they can create up to about 1 litre of saliva a day—that’s enough to fill almost 3 soft drink cans.
A reduction in saliva production
can lead to a dry mouth
A steady flow of saliva keeps your mouth moist. If you notice your mouth is often uncomfortably dry or sticky, you may have a dry mouth. Without it, you may notice that your mouth feels uncomfortably dry or sticky.
Signs of a dry mouth
Without enough saliva to wash away bacteria, you may develop bad breath and tooth decay. You also might find it hard to speak or chew and you may also notice food doesn’t taste like it used to.

Biotène products can help provide moisturisation for people with a dry mouth
Try using Moisturising Gel - contains a mouth moisturising system that refreshes and moistens the mouth